Horsehead NGC 1333 Horsehead

(Click on image for Full Resolution)

Date: Nov-Dec , 2006
Exposure: LRGB 300m:130m:170m:280m 60 x 300s L, 13 x 600s R, 17 x 600s G, 28 x 600s B
Processing: CCDSoftV5 for image acquisition, CCDStack for Image calibration, Astrodon LRGB filters (15 flats each L, R,G,B, Bias subtracted and Sigma Clip combined, 40 bias frames Sigma Clip combined, 25-300s and 25-600s darks Sigma Clip combined), alignment, normalization, FITS files creation. CCDAutoPilot3 used to collect data over multiple nights. Photoshop CS2 for final LRGB processing, final layers adjustment and jpg conversion.
Conditions: Average to Good, Mag 4-5 Skies
Scope: RCOS 16" Truss
Camera: SBIG STL-6303, -25°
Comments: Mostly obscured by clouds and gas, NGC1333, located in the constellation Perseus is both part reflection nebula and emission nebula. A single mag 10.45 star seems to have parted the clouds and is the major contributor to the blue reflection. The glowing red areas are attributed to Hydrogen gas regions of young developing stars. This took 5 nights over 2 months to get enough data to make this come out. The best nights were used for the Lum data and CCDInspector was reporting FWHM between 1.7 and 1.9" for a 10 min exposure. Some nights I would get started and take 2 exposures and the clouds would roll in and end everything for the night. Off axis guiding has really been the way to go for this setup. The chip size allows for ample leeway when positioning the target and locating a guidestar.